15.Januar 2014
Dear Gudrunn!,let me hop ur fine.how was ur juney?hop it went all well.Mom, Cloudias ney got a problem some time back.is she well now?dose she move without pain?Mom,for U.You should not make any ride on snow.every time u get an accindent your life decreases.Did u take some snaps on the semina?i wish u the best mom.my job,am going on as usual.no big chang.but am trying to work heard.nice time dear and take care.greatings to Cloudia And Jurgen.I MISS THEM ALL.GOD BLESS U.
8.Januar 2014
Mum,how are u? are you the one who told Cloudia to teach me how to type? u talked in Germany Langway. am an expert now, i admired the way u were doing it and i had to learn when i do it when my eyes are closed people call me an expert. i fill proud but i dont 4get who tought me. i remember her shaking her left hand finger saying this is letter A. and i started from there. u made me what a am mum. i miss u and love u so much. i pray for u.